On tough days, it’s important to remember why you are working on your recovery at all. When steeped in negativity, it’s hard to think of what you have to gain. But it is important that you do. Motivation and hope can get people through a lot.
So what keeps you going? I suggest that you make a list of reasons why you want to recover. There is always something. Even if your list has a single item, you can turn to that one reason you have when you are feeling discouraged. You can do your list all at once and add to it as you think of new ones, or you can decide to write down one a day for as long as you can. To get started, here are 25 examples.
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- So you can feel confident in your own skin.
- To truly be there for your loved ones.
- To understand yourself better.
- So you don’t have to worry about keeping up appearances.
- To think more clearly.
- So you don’t have to be scared of going outside.
- To be a more empathetic person.
- So you can get out of bed in the morning with a smile on your face.
- So you’re not afraid of food.
- Because you deserve the best life you can live.
- To be honest when you say, “Fine,” when others ask how you are.
- So you can wear whatever you want without being uncomfortable.
- To show your loved ones that you care about them.
- So you don’t always compare yourself to others.
- To concentrate better.
- So you can actually enjoy celebrations.
- To feel motivated and inspired.
- To improve your physical health.
- To become a more accepting person.
- So your dreams can become realities.
- To show others that it is possible.
- To feel like life is worthwhile.
- Because you believe in second chances.
- To show that you love yourself.
- Simply do it because you can.
What are your reasons? Add to the list in the comments.
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