Wednesday, 15 October 2014

10 journal prompts to improve relationships

In the past, we have looked at journal prompts to increase self-reflection. It is a very powerful way to explore yourself and come to a better understanding of who you are. Because this is currently my most popular post of all time, I thought we’d look at some other ideas to write about. This time, we’ll take a look at questions that can help you improve your relationships.

Remember, journaling can also be done visually through drawing, painting, collage and so on. For some examples of art therapy exercises, check this out. You can modify them to fit these prompts.

  1. Make a list of the most important people in your life. What do you admire about each of them? 
  2. What are nice things that others have done for you? Can you do any of these things for someone else?
  3. Pick a relationship you cherish. Write a letter to this person explaining why this relationship is especially important to you. (Sending it is optional.)
  4. Think about couple you feel have a loving relationship. What have you observed them doing that you’d like to see in your own relationships?
  5. Write about childhood friendships. What positive things did you do as a child that you have lost over the years? 
  6. Make a list of traits you have. Next to each of them, list who else in your life has those traits. You might find some new common ground.
  7. Who has had the greatest influence on you? Why have these people mattered so much?
  8. How can the examples of others help you improve yourself?
  9. Have you had a special relationship with a pet? What have you learned from this that can help you be better in your human relationships?
  10. What kind of person do you want to be in the context of your relationships (sister, boyfriend, student, etc.)?

What did you discover using these prompts? Do you have any other ones you’d like to share? The comments are open!

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