Monday, 22 September 2014

25 safety tips

Being the victim of a crime or accident can be traumatizing and, as we know, trauma is bad for your mental health. This is why it’s very important to protect yourself at all times. Following are 25 ways you can be safer in your everyday life.

  1. Let someone you trust know where you are going and when you will be back.
  2. When walking, be aware of your surroundings at all times. You can check your phone later.
  3. Keep your car doors locked both while parked and driving.
  4. Do not “check in” on social media when you are out of town. It will alert potential burglars that you are gone.
  5. Have your keys out when walking to your car or home so you can enter more quickly.
  6. Walk on the side of the street that is facing traffic.
  7. Keep any entrances to your home well-lit.
  8. Always secure your windows and lock your doors.
  9. Never tell anyone that you are home alone.
  10. If you receive a call from someone about a problem with your credit card, hang up and call the number on the back of your card to make sure it’s actually them. 
  11. Never accept drinks that have already been opened or are given to you by strangers.
  12. Do not leave valuable items visible in your car. Store them in the trunk.
  13. If someone calls and has the wrong number, do not give them your name or repeat the number back to them.
  14. Stay on well-lit streets. If it takes you longer to get somewhere, so be it.
  15. Get a copy of your credit report once a year (it’s free) and check for inconsistencies. 
  16. When out of town for an extended period, have someone check on your home regularly.
  17. Shred all papers that contain personal information.
  18. Stay away from bushes and other overgrown areas.
  19. Use a headset while driving or, better yet, stay off the phone while on the road.
  20. Don’t leave a spare key near your front door. Consider leaving it with a trusted neighbor or family member.
  21. Hang up immediately if you receive an obscene or harassing call. If the problem persists, contact law enforcement.
  22. Memorize important PINs and passwords; do not write them down.
  23. Get sufficient sleep so you are alert, especially if you are driving long distances.
  24. If you have a GPS, set “home” as somewhere near where you live, but not your exact location.
  25. If you are being followed, don’t stop. Keep walking or driving to the nearest public place.

How do you keep yourself safe? Share your most helpful tips in the comments.

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